Specialist Care
Many of the residents who stay at St David’s have complex medical needs, which require the specialist care. We provide additional services and use the support of external parties. These include:
- Speech and Language Therapy (SALT)
- Diabetes Clinic
- Community Dietician
- Wheelchair and seating service
- Foot care service
- Tissue Viability Specialist Nurse
- Ealing Community Neurological Rehabilitation and Enablement Team
The Home prides itself on the specialist care it is able to provide and this includes palliative and end of life care. This care may involve additional support from the Macmillan Nurses from Meadow House Hospice, Ealing, who are specialists in this area and very supportive. Many residents choose to spend their final days at the Home rather than in hospital and the high level of nursing care provided and the support given by Meadow House enables this to be possible.
The spiritual aspect of care is also catered for at
St David’s and the appropriate ministerial support can be provided from the local community as and when required.